Welcome to The NextStage Expanded Awareness Society’s Newsletter for 11 May 17! |
Some housekeeping to get us started…We’ve updated our newsletter style, please let us know what you think. We’re also now sending newsletters out fortnightly instead of monthly starting in May. This means we’re looking for content and asking you for help. Do you have something you want to share? Are there questions you’d like to ask? Is there some training you’d like us to offer? Please email us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Remember to let us know if you’d prefer a private v public response. |
Notes from Susan From the Owl’s Nest: Celestial ObservationsWhen I can, I’ll be letting you know about various things that will be happening in the sky. This month we’re in the Eta Aquarid meteor showers. They peaked on May 6th, but will still be visible until May 26th. You’ll be able to catch them in the early predawn hours. Great timing! Of course. Here in New England the sky’s been overcast so we haven’t been able to see them. These meteor showers are a remnant of Halley’s comet. The comet also makes up the Orionid meteor showers that occur in October. In case you missed it an asteroid passed by the Earth a couple of days ago. That combined with a New Moon and another meteor show made for some interesting energy…did you feel it? Enjoy! |
From Joe An Amazon Story (continued)The first installment of Joe Della Rosa’s An Amazon Story appeared in our December 2016 newsletter, and the second appeared in our March 2017 newsletter. We left with Sorri encountering a Capybara… Sorri squatted a safe distance away from the flopping Arapaima, his eye brows furrowed in playful contemplation. The fish stopped moving momentarily and Sorri, thinking it had finally returned to the River Mother, hesitantly reached out a hand to touch the large fish. Saniri watched unblinkingly, the slight smile that graced his jaws seemed to teeter on the edge of one of his loud guffaws. Just before the tips of Sorri’s fingers could glaze the blush-colored scales of the fish’s underbelly, it began to flop its tail wildly causing Sorri to yelp and fall back on his rear. He scurried out of the way as one flip of the giant fish’s tail sent it flying toward Sorri. “How am I going to get the meat out of that?” said Sorri as his face quickly turned the color of the Arapaima’s underbelly. Saniri continued to laugh as the mama capybara hurried over to the boy, her pups scampering to keep up. “How do you expect the boy to eat this fish, it’s almost as big as you?” Saniri seemed to shrug as his laughter continued, albeit noticeably quieter. The mama capybara sniffed the boy’s face and gave him an encouraging lap of her tongue on his shoulder. “Come child.” The capybara looked him over, waiting patiently for him to move. Her pups peered out from behind their mother’s almost disproportionately thin legs. Their desire to play with a new friend only slightly overshadowing caution as they each took turns crossing an imaginary line, inching closer and closer to Sorri. Sorri looked up into the deep pool of the capybara’s abyss colored eye and was briefly reminded of the time he had a stomach ache and his mother rubbed his belly until he fell asleep. He stood abruptly just as the bravest of the little capybara pups reached him, and it sent them scattering like so many loose leaves in a storm. Sorri laughed. “Ok Cho Cho, I’ll come with you.” At this Saniri guffawed, and the capybara mother raised one eyebrow to glare at him. “Child, my name is not Cho Cho. Saniri thinks he is funny referring to me as little snack. But that is not my name. You may call me Sara, or Mama Sara, whichever you prefer,” replied the burly capybara. Saniri fell silent at the sound of the capybara’s name and, unexpectedly, began to back himself into the river. “Go with her, Sorri. I’ll be waiting for you when you return. Should you not return to this place, call to me if you feel the need. I am never far.” Saniri’s black form slowly melted away into the darkness beneath the river surface. “Come with me, child. I know a place where there is fruit and a safe place where you can play with my pups.” |
Recent Blog Posts |
Class/Book Notes – Levels of Awareness, Trances and Journeying, Part 2You don’t need to go into a trance to do shamanic work. |
Risk, Change, and The Beginning of the End of my BeginningI’ve spent a lot of my life trying to avoid change, because change involves risk. I haven’t liked risk for a very long time. Taking a risk meant I might fail, which could result in me suffering in some way, either immediately or by ending up in a worse situation than I was before. Staying still, no matter the cost of not moving, was better than the risk of taking a single step. |
1 Step ForwardWhy does it sometimes feel like I take 2 steps forward and 1.5 steps back? Why can’t I just take my 2 steps forward and be done with an issue? I have learned and I am continuing to learn the unique and contradictory nature of all that we are, with a set of bodies (emotional, spiritual, physical, and intellectual) that … |
As always, you can find all our blogposts on the DiscoverThePractice.com Blog page. |
Happenings and Upcoming Training |
Know What People Are ThinkingSaturday May 13 – Sunday May 14, 2017 |
Accessing Your CreativityTuesday May 16, 2017 |
Unlocking Your IntuitionTuesday May 23, 2017 |
Practicing Wellness Online WorkshopTuesday May 30 2017 |
Other Tidbits |
Have you read Empty Sky? It’s the story of a young boy and his dog who are asked to save the world’s dreams, but to do so they must each make a sacrifice. What would you sacrifice to keep hope alive? Like, Love, Link, Befriend and Follow NextStage Expanded Awareness Society! |
Have you read Tales Told ‘Round Celestial Campfires? It’s a collection of short stories, some of which are based on experiences in The Practice. Email us if you can figure out which ones are Practice related. We’ve also published some short stories for the Kindle. You can find all of Joseph’s writings on his Amazon Author Page and please say hello on Goodreads. |