Personal Growth Coaching

Personal Consultation

Are you ready to embrace who you really are?

You can experience more than you’ve ever thought possible. You can take a step forward and release the power that is already within you – the ability to become who you really want to be. More than anything, The Practice is about becoming a more authentic You, embracing all that You are.

Here are some reasons that you may want to speak with one of the NextStage Expanded Awareness Society (NSEAS) trainers:

  • You seek rapid, meaningful change in your life
  • You wish to lead your life on your own terms
  • You know you could be happier and more successful
  • You have specific concerns
  • There are things in your life you need to work on
  • You’re not sure where to start
  • You have questions about The Practice, and expanding your awareness
  • You need help understanding some of the energies in your life and how they are affecting you
  • You’re an existing NSEAS student and have specific questions, or need additional help.

We are all unique. We come from different paths, with different experiences. The tremendous advantage of Personal Growth Coaching is that our NextStage trainers can meet you where you are, help you understand the energies and entities in YOUR life, and help you grow in ways you can’t yet imagine.

Format and what to expect
Personal consultations are held online. You can expect a friendly, fun and informative session where we will help you answer your questions. We encourage you to be as honest and straightforward as you comfortably can as this will help us help you more effectively.

What we won’t do
There are a few things we won’t talk about during a Personal Consultation. We won’t read your mind or do psychic tricks. It can seem like we’re doing such things and we’re not. What we’re doing is all part of The Practice.

One thing we will do and will encourage you to do is have fun. The Practice can be extremely invigorating and enjoyable when you let it. It’s all up to you.

Our Trainers
See our About page for more information about our trainers. Available trainers will be listed in the Booking tool, linked below.

All of our trainers have different areas of expertise. If you’re unsure who you should speak to, contact us, let us know what you’d like to talk about, and we’ll recommend the right trainer for you.

Just a few of the comments from our students

Joseph and Susan have a great deal of knowledge in the area of healing...They have a great teaching style and are very easy to understand and compliment each others' presentation of the topic

Craig Valine N. Quincy, MA.

I've taken journeying classes before and they were nothing like this. Now I know what journeying is suppose to be. Thank you for that Power!

Anonymous St. John, NB, Canada

I felt very grateful to be a part of such a wonderful spiritual journey. The materials -- sage, drum, spiders -- were very affirming

Karen Edgerly Waltham, MA.

Joseph is very warm and inviting. My attention never strayed. Fascinating, exciting, peaceful

Austin Sheatsley Pepperel, MA.

You will find Joseph to be kind, gentle, loving, expansive, open, clear, and very playful.

Keith Petty Boston, MA. became very clear to me this weekend that I don't always rely on my own person [and] now I know how to open myself up to the power that lies within me.

Brenda Magee Family Services Facilitator, St. John, NB, Canada

I found the weekend to be nourishing and enlightening. I am still receiving messages and need to follow the guidance that is being provided.

J.S. MacMillan St. John, NB, Canada

The workshop was very powerful for me. I felt heard and accepted more than any other time before.

Jean-Paul Daigle Rothesay, NB, Canada

...Joseph gave us the power to believe in ourselves...I learned to be free in what I think and that how I think and feel is ok.

Rivier College Students Nashua, NH

The workshop was a most powerful experience, and each one of us continues to feel the effects of that power.

Christine LeBlanc St. John, NB, Canada

The course intrigued me greatly. I learned about myself and a new approach to seeing things.

Nashua, NH

...someone whose insights or talent or generosity with their time turned out to make a big difference in the quality of my work. ... You were a real find...and I wanted you to know that I grateful to you...

Bedford, NH

...the group was enthralled.

Jeanne M. was fabulous...he's been a guest several times, always with huge success. He's such a fabulous teacher, and the taste we got of this new course left a bunch of us panting for more.

Jan I.

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An invitation for you

What if this is the one thing you do that starts an incredibly positive chain reaction in your life? It’s time to take that first step.

Click on the Book Now link below. You must add the booking to cart and fully checkout in order to book time with one of our trainers. Bookings will be confirmed by our staff and if we are unable to meet at the requested time, your purchase will be refunded. Consultations cannot be combined with other products for checkout. Bookings are 1 or 2 hours only.

Contact us for more information and assistance with booking your consultation.